Pre-Licensing Background Check FAQs
How does the NYSDFS Background Check process work?
1. Applicant fills out our short and user-friendly Consent Form​
2. Applicant clicks Submit, Moneta receives the Form and commences the background check.
3. Moneta uploads all documents, forms, and background check process to your free Online Client Portal.
We have already completed the NYSDFS Personal Questionnaire. Do we still need to complete Moneta's Consent Form?
You need only sign our Consent Form to give us permission to obtain your credit report if you attach your completed NYSDFS Questionnaire to our Form. .
What is the Scope of the NYSDFS Backcground Check?
Verification of Subject’s Personal Identification (SSN, DOB etc.)
Verification of Professional History: All or 10-yr. history
Verification of Education/Degrees: All undergraduate and above
Verification of Professional Licenses
Corporate Affiliations (includes Board Directorships)
Credit Report Review & Summary
Criminal Court Records Research: All applicable jurisdictions
Civil Court Records Research: All applicable jurisdictions
Driver Record Review
News Media Research
Regulatory/Licensure Research
Sex Offender Records Research
Professional References​ (3)​
What are your deliverables?
Within three business days into the assignment, the Moneta Investigator apprises the Client of the background check’s progress and red flags, if any. On completion of the assignment, Moneta will prepare a Comprehensive Background Check Report Package and deliver it to the specified NYS DFS examiner.
Moneta will collaborate with the Client and NYSDFS Examiner and other NYSDFS representatives on the assignment for any length of time needed, at no additional cost to the Client.
How does the NYS DFS receive your Background Check Reports?
Since the start of the pandemic, Moneta has delivered Reports and supporting documents electronically through our encrypted email platform..
My company needs to order several NYS DFS background checks at once. How do we do that?
You may call in your request, e-mail it to us, or simply fill out this Order Form.
How long does a NYSDFS Background Check take?
Approximately 14 business days. It could take longer depending on the responses from professional references, responses from HR re verifications, and other variables. .
Does Moneta require payment up front?
Moneta requires 50% up front and the remaining balance within 30 days from the invoice date. Payments to Moneta are not contingent in any way and are due whether or not our Client receives reimbursement from its Client or other third-party.
Do you offer bulk pricing?
On orders of 5 or more.