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File a Dispute

Moneta is committed to accuracy, transparency, and fairness in its reporting processes. In the event you are a consumer who wants to dispute the accuracy or completeness of information contained in a consumer report prepared by MONETA, please follow the steps below:

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Option 1. Complete our simple secure, electronic form


Option 2. Call Us : 1-212-721-4470


Option 3. Send an email to


Option 4. Mail to Moneta, 795 Columbus Ave., 5A, NY, NY 10025, Attn. Disputes

  • Full Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Name of Employer Report Was Prepared For

  • Your Email Address

  • Daytime Phone Number/Primary Contact Number

  • Indicate which part of the report you are contesting, the reasons you believe the information is incorrect or incomplete, and any other information you deem relevant to your dispute.

1. Moneta will promptly investigate and identify if we are the cause of the inaccuracy/error.


2. We will then let you know the outcome within 30 to 45 days as the law requires – typically sooner. If we find that the information is incorrect, Moneta will correct it and give you and your employer (or prospective employer) a copy of the updated, corrected background check.


3. If we find the error was made by Equifax, for instance, Moneta will provide your information to that agency, which, in turn will investigate. If they caused the error, they will correct it, and provide you an updated report.

You're in good hands. If any mistakes are found they will promptly be corrected by Moneta (or the agency that made the error. You will be kept apprised every step of the way.

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